Running in the Winter — Dealing with the Cold, Ice, and Snow

The winter season is upon us, and it’s important to overcome the elements and keep churning your legs

Jordan Mendiola
Two Minute Madness


Photo by Clique Images on Unsplash

The winter season is known for killing millions of running careers every single year.

Growing up in Chicago, I’ve experienced some of the worst winter seasons similar to Antarctica.

Dealing with the winter can be very unmotivating since numerous challenges come with it.

3 Big Issues That Arise for Winter Runs

Take each of these winter-running issues seriously so that you can prevent injuries and damaging your body as little as possible.

1. Spike in Temperature

You have to overcome and adapt to the drop in your body’s temperature. Breathing is labored while a shirt and shorts don’t suffice.

2. Snow Everywhere

We can all relate to running in the snowy season. It’s slippery out, your feet get soaked from it melting, and it’s more dangerous in general.

3. Ice and Black Ice

It’s important to be wary of regular ice and black ice, especially. It’s everywhere when…



Jordan Mendiola
Two Minute Madness

I started writing during the pandemic, took a short break. But have returned for more. Quality over quantity this second time around. Thanks for being here!