One Short Motivation Story to Read After Any Rejection

Saeed Ahmad
Two Minute Madness
Published in
2 min readNov 1, 2020
Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

I’ve seen a lot of people not getting a job, rejected, or something like that.

I agree that there are a lot of challenges here and everywhere, but, nowadays there are so many opportunities around you that you can avail and really shine in your field. If you are a software engineer, there are many hackathons, coding competitions, open-source events where you can participate for free without any pre-requisites of hard and fast coding skills, and incredible genius.

If you are a content writer, write content-writing contests or similar keywords in Google, and you’ll see thousands of results that can open up doors of opportunities for you.

If you are a machine learning engineer, data scientist, or data analyst, there are numerous online places where you can go and participate to showcase your data-related skills.

If you are a student looking for scholarships, there are hundreds of scholarships worldwide. You just need to email the relevant people, and you’ll see how supportive they are.


In my opinion, there’s no shortage of opportunities nowadays. You need to have a good mindset and be willing to work.

If you have these two things, nothing can stop you from landing a job or achieving any career-related goal that you have.



Saeed Ahmad
Two Minute Madness

I help developers to be better engineers! 💻 Software Engineer | 📈 Data Science | 💼 Entrepreneurship | 🧠 AI | 🖋️ Writer at DEV with 250K+ views.