This is Why Nobody Confides in You

What you are doing wrong by saying ‘I’m available’

Manoj Surya
Two Minute Madness


Photo by Anastasia Sklyar on Unsplash

For people who say call me any time (regarding mental health and sharing). Have you thought about why nobody calls?

That’s because they are not sure if it’s safe to be vulnerable around you. It is too much of a risk to even test it out.

It’s not about being available. But it is about being safe and vulnerable. You can build this trust by you showing your vulnerable side to them.

If you want to help more people. Be transparent and open about yourself to people you talk to. You do not lower your standards. It shows your strengths. Think of yourself as a warrior showing off scars and how you survived the battles. Other people will get the courage to do the same.

Do this even on social media if you are active on social platforms. There will be great times and you post about them. There will do downtimes and share them too. How would others know you deal with life the same way they do too?

Even if no one reaches out to you. They at least know, you are an honest person, and hopefully, they relate to a few things in their life when you are transparent about your life first. That creates some comfort zone in them.

Being transparent is the only way to make a world a better place to remove false expectations and being vulnerable. Keep it real.



Manoj Surya
Two Minute Madness

I write about everything I learnt to become better at life , endurance, health, books, reading and building products