You Can Only Win The Race If You Finish It

Sinem Günel
Two Minute Madness
Published in
2 min readJul 28, 2020


Photo by Morning Brew on Unsplash

Every day, millions of people across the globe are starting new projects; blogs, businesses, charity organizations, event series, fitness programs, you name it.

They start full of enthusiasm and passion, yet, give up soon because they don’t see their desired results.

Some want to quit their jobs and start a business; others dream about becoming a professional athlete or actor. And there’s one thing that matters, regardless if it’s business, arts, sports, or whatsoever you’re after: Persistence.

While we all grow up with dreams and aspirations, only a fraction of the global population lives a life they genuinely enjoy.

Mostly, that’s because we try to live up to the expectations of our families, friends, and society. And by doing so, we not only lose sight of our goals but sometimes, we even lose ourselves.

With thousands of motivational speakers and authors telling you that you can have everything you want, if you just want it bad enough, it’s easier than ever before to be encouraged and get started.

Yet, once you start working on your dream, you might quickly realize how success is not only about mindset and that it needs some strategies to succeed in whatever you’re doing.

