7 Misconceptions on Nuclear Energy

2 Minutes Post
2 Minutes — Business
2 min readDec 24, 2022

Providing accurate and reliable information is important, especially when it comes to topics such as nuclear energy that have the potential to impact people’s health, safety, and the environment.

Here are seven common misconceptions about nuclear energy :

Nuclear energy is not safe:

Nope, Nuclear energy has a strong safety record, with multiple safety systems in place to prevent accidents and minimize their impact if they do occur.

Modern nuclear power plants are designed to be robust and resistant to external events, such as earthquakes, floods, and terrorism.

Nuclear energy is expensive:

While the upfront costs of building a nuclear power plant can be high, the costs of operating and maintaining a nuclear plant are relatively low.

This results in competitive electricity prices for nuclear energy.

Nuclear energy is not a reliable source of electricity:

Nope, Nuclear power plants operate around the clock and can provide a constant and stable source of electricity, even during extreme weather events or other disruptions.

Nuclear energy is a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions:

No, Nuclear power plants do not emit greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, during the electricity generation process.

This makes nuclear energy a potential contributor to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and addressing climate change.

Nuclear waste cannot be safely stored:

Nope, Nuclear waste is highly radioactive and requires careful handling and storage to protect people and the environment.

There are various ways to store nuclear waste safely, including interim storage, geologic disposal, and reprocessing.

Nuclear energy is not a significant source of electricity:

While nuclear energy is not as widely used as other forms of energy, it currently provides about 10% of the world’s electricity and is an important energy source in many countries.

Nuclear energy is a new technology:

Nuclear energy has been used for electricity generation for more than 60 years and has a well-established track record of safety and reliability.

