1# Day 1 — 1349 kcal — how did it go

Al Th
20 day habit change
1 min readMar 4, 2020

It went better than expected.

1395, which might be a more reasonable number!

The difficulties:

Hunger, of course. When you are trained at snacking and your metabolism is slow, hunger sets in quickly.

But from experience (having been obese before and been average sized for 15 years) I know that this hunger is psychological.

My body does not need food, it just wants entertainment.

Let’s see how it goes from 1395. The new number.

I on day 3 I will try posting the meals, this might further help to motivate and then also illustrate how much 1395 kcal is!



Al Th
20 day habit change
Editor for

A semi anonymous wanderer that wants to explore the power of changing habits. I work as a scientist by day, but habit explorer by night. #20dayhabitchange