#1 Day 2–1395 kcal

Al Th
20 day habit change
1 min readMar 4, 2020

So day two is starting off ok.

Not looking forward to the day as I am extremley hungry today.

But usually, everyone says that day 2–5 is the worse in habit change. I just want to say “screw it” and reach of that plate of food, or a cup of sugary yoghurt. But I won’t because I want to see this experiment though.

One just has to stick it out!

To do so I will occupy myself with:




Let’s see what happens at the end of the day.



Al Th
20 day habit change
Editor for

A semi anonymous wanderer that wants to explore the power of changing habits. I work as a scientist by day, but habit explorer by night. #20dayhabitchange