#1 Day 3 — end of day — 1395 kcal

Al Th
20 day habit change
1 min readMar 6, 2020

This was a tough one! I started off with a great breakfast. However, I didn’t document much this day.

Hey, the habit change isn’t about documenting my food :). So I’ll give myself a break.

I ended up with 1410 kcal. Which is technically a fail. BUT a huge win none the less.

I knew that stress and day 3 were going to be the worse and I am proud I only let it slip 15 kcal instead of 1000 as I previously would have.

Very proud of my self!

I tilted the wagon, but I didn’t fall off!



Al Th
20 day habit change
Editor for

A semi anonymous wanderer that wants to explore the power of changing habits. I work as a scientist by day, but habit explorer by night. #20dayhabitchange