Let’s face it

Al Th
20 day habit change
1 min readMar 3, 2020

The habits I want to change

This isn’t a fancy mag with lots of science quotes and long lists of groceries to buy for your diet. In fact, there will be very little of that here. This is a personal journey of a very unmotivated person who wants to test a hypothesis: can I change my “bad” habits in 20 days?

The rules are simple, follow a routine for 20 days, see if it sticks! Follow up in a year and see if it has become a habit.

  • Here are some habits or routines that will be dealt with, 20 days at a time
  • Exercising EVERY day
  • No snacking between meals
  • Follwing a skin care routine EVERY day
  • Not eating past 19:00
  • Drinking more water
  • Not using social media after 15:00
  • Painting every day
  • Coding every day

These will be performed with 20 days at the time each.

Easy rules? Yes! Easy task? That’s what this documentation is going to find out!



Al Th
20 day habit change
Editor for

A semi anonymous wanderer that wants to explore the power of changing habits. I work as a scientist by day, but habit explorer by night. #20dayhabitchange