How Not To Interview For a Job

Seems pretty obvious. But this stuff actually happened.

Gregor Gilliom
20 Stories in 80 Minutes
4 min readJan 7, 2014


By Terri Price-Deep

I am a Creative Recruiter. At Portfolio Creative we see a lot of candidates seeking work, 95% of those candidates rock the interview process.

Then there is that 5%…

This 5% has led me to create the top 5 things you should never do in an interview…consider this a public service announcement of sorts.

No. 1: Don’t bring a sandwich

I know that you are thinking “who would do that?” And yes unless you are invited to a lunch meeting bringing a sandwich is not the way to go. However, I want to tell you a far more bizarre story.

A gentleman came in was seated across the interview table from me and reached into his pocket and stated “I didn’t know this was in there”. What he pulled out to show me was ONCE a sandwich. In a clear plastic bag sat a former shapeless food item, rich with green mold. What you may not know about me is that I am not a fan of the leftover. George Carlin once said “leftovers make you feel good twice, when you put it away you think to yourself I AM SAVING FOOD and again when you throw it out you think to yourself I AM SAVING MY LIFE!

So this gentleman sets the former sandwich on the table in front of me for the duration of the interview. My stomach is rolling and I am about to gag, but being the professional I suffered through my evaluation. Then when the interview is over he starts to leave without the moldy mess and I say “wait you forgot your sandwich.” His reply to me was “oh honey I thought you could take care of that for me.” My reply simply stated “I don’t like leftovers.”

(This really happened)

No. 2: Don’t bring a parent

We are in the age of the helicopter parent, and I would love to tell that the story I am about to share was a one time experience at our company, but I would to lying in doing so.

So one day I entered the interview room and found two people. One was the lovely young woman who was interviewing for our job and the other was introduced as Dad. I politely greeted both and asked Dad if he would like to sit in our waiting area while I conducted the interview. I was told he would be staying.

The first couple of questions were answered nicely by the young woman, and I remember thinking to myself “okay this is fine.” Then Dad who just could not help himself started chiming in. As his daughter sank in her seat, Dad took complete control of the rest of the interview. Now at this point I am over it, there is no possible way I can send her to a client for fear she will bring Dad along.

The rule of thumb is don’t bring a parent, friend, child or animal this is YOUR interview.

I will tell you it was not a complete loss, as I have a voice-over gig next week that I quite sure Dad would be just perfect for!

(This really happens)

No. 3: Don’t forget your pants

This one is simple.

Ladies Leggings are not pants and tights are not pants. Your gold lame see through leggings with the elastic top are not pants.

Gentlemen if you have to hold up your trousers with one and hand while showing your portfolio with the other you are not really wearing pants.

Cleavage of any kind is for the Clubs. Sports caps are for ballgames. Sweats are for workouts.

ZIP it, Button it, don’t leave it out!

(This really happens)

NO. 4: Don’t be a Sasquatch.

Crazy hair is for crazy people. Looking like a cave man or woman is better served for lumberjack opportunities.

Well maintained facial hair is fine, wild untamed beards on guys or girls is a flat out no-no!

Uni-brows are for Uni-bombers.

Comb it, brush it, trim it!

Of course if you are eventually placed with offsite freelance anything goes!

(This really happens)

And finally…

No. 5: Don’t show me everything you have ever created.

Old, tired portfolios need to be put to pasture.

If it takes you two trips to the car to gather your materials you are showing too much.

Leave your cat drawing from the 7th grade on the refrigerator for your mother to enjoy.

If it was cool in 1999 it may not be cool today.

(This really happens)

In closing:

Don’t bring a sandwich

Don’t bring a parent

Don’t forget your pants

Don’t be a sasquatch


Don’t show your work from the 7th grade.

