Professional Diver Profile (View and Edit)

Steven Maurin
200bar Guide
Published in
3 min readAug 19, 2017

Your 200bar profile shows in the blink of an eye your experience, skills and previous locations you have worked or dived in.

It also let other divers or business managers rate you as a professional and this could help you a lot in finding your next dive job.

On 200bar, everyone has a profile, Managers, business owners or pro divers. Once your profile is set up you can create a Business Page, if applicable.

Edit your profile

Make sure all relevant information are mentioned in your profile. if something is not available yet, let us know and we will add it for you.

  1. On your profile page: click *Edit Profile*
  2. Go through each tab to complete what is required.
  3. Save your profile after each page to ensure you have no missing field

More details below

1. Edit your Current Status

2. Edit your personal information

3. Edit your Professional details & Certifications

Edit your Professional Experience & Certifications

4. Upload your CV

5. Add your skills

These are the main skills often required by dive centers. If any main skill is missing in this list please let us know ( or use the chat to contact Steven, Louis or Nath)

Edit your Professional skills

6. Set your previous locations,

This will let people know what kind of climate, water conditions and places you have dived in. It usually tells a lot about your experience.

7. Set your notifications preferences

If you are in active search we recommend that you at least setup daily summary. If your profile is set as *Available for work* you will then receive daily summary.

Support & Assistance

If you need help! Contact one of us as soon as you have an issue, we will be pleased to help you:






Steven Maurin
200bar Guide

Entrepreneur, Co-founder at and, scubadiving enthusiast, passionate about tech, photography, traveling, nature and much more…!