Search Diving Jobs & Apply

Steven Maurin
200bar Guide
Published in
3 min readAug 19, 2017

On Business Managers can post diving job offers by using our tools but we also provide job offers from external sources Such as PADI, SSI and more.

Every day between 10–30 new job offers appear in our listing.

Here you will learn how to:

  • Search jobs using filters
  • Save jobs to apply later
  • Apply to a job offer with our Quick-application feature

To simplify the process of sorting job offers we have added multiple filters as you can see below:

Diving Job Offers listed on job board with advanced filter system

Filter by :

  • Organisation (PADI, SSI, SDI/TDI and more)
  • Diving Job Type (Dive instructor, Divemaster, Videographer, ..)
  • Common Languages
  • Comming soon: By location!
  • Use tags or keywords to narrow down your search
    (hit enter to validate each tag)

To keep track of which offers you have seen, we highlight them in a different color. (you must be logged in).

NOTE: Please be aware that filters might not be 100% accurate with external offers. The structure of external offers can vary a lot and it happens that the content and description don’t offer clear enough information to match with filters. We do our best to improve the filtering every day.

For this reason we encourage dive centers to post their offers directly from our platform. This will increase their visibility by placing the offer in the top listing

Save it for later!

We also offer a save feature so you can keep them for later if you’re not ready to apply now.

Save job offer in your Job list to apply later

Quick Application

You found a job offer that matches your profile and you would dream to work for this dive center?

Click the *Send CV* button and follow the steps.

You will probably be asked to complete your profile and upload your CV.
Yes! Dive Center Manager want to quickly learn something about you before spending more time on your profile and eventually chatting with you if they are interested.
Refer to the *Edit my profile* guide for help with this part.

When your profile is ready and you’re all set you should see this popup:

In this window you will have to write a message to the manager, see example above.

Send a Preview

If you want to see how your e-mail will look like then press
*Send me a Preview e-mail*
And you will soon receive it in your inbox. Make sure it didn’t land in your SPAM folder.

Send Application

When you are ready, just click on *Send Application*. We will send your message along with your profile and CV link so the manager has all he/she needs to go through your application.


Lay back and wait for your next assignment, or keep applying to increase you chances ;)

Support & Assistance

If you need help! Contact one of us as soon as you have an issue, we will be pleased to help you:






Steven Maurin
200bar Guide

Entrepreneur, Co-founder at and, scubadiving enthusiast, passionate about tech, photography, traveling, nature and much more…!