Fan fiction: The stepping stone for young writers

De La Salle University
2012 Scholarum Winners
5 min readOct 15, 2014


2012 Outstanding published feature article
on youth and education in a school organ
Lorie Marie Lumba
The Scholastican, St. Scholastica’s College Manila

Fan fiction is best described as a mirror; for it to conceive its own identity, it first must reflect a concrete vision from reality. A writer’s most vital tool in creating a world of fantasy is a personal outlook in life because it is through one’s personal experiences that one finds the inspiration to compress reality into pages of illusion. Reality renders such a strong influence to imagination that, at a certain point, it depicts reality itself. This also implies greatly to have the younger generation. The youth seek to create their own impression of the real world, that being what they read in books and see in films and like fictional writers, they reinvent the original work using their own interpretation. This is called fan fiction. Literary works and movies surpassed its traditional purpose to entertain and rapidly progressed into a spectrum of inspiration and knowledge for the younger generation. Although fan fiction violates copyright regulations, it provides a double purpose of motivating young aspiring writers to expand their sense of creativity and enhance their literacy and comprehensive skills.

Fan fiction is a type of fiction written by amateur writers who utilize characters and settings generated from a dramatic or literary work that interests them as a basis to recreate a storyline based on their own perspective. For the past decades, books and films have become a prominent influence in the growth of fan fiction. Even before the dominating age of the world wide web, fan fiction had, by then, found its rightful place in literary history. Although, the first emergence of fan fiction is yet to be verified, a number of derivative works have already been uncovered as early as the 1600s. The word ‘fan fiction’, however, was yet to acquire a global identity till two centuries later. It surfaced in science fiction fandom where it was referred to as fiction written by fans; either amateur stf [scientifiction], or fiction about fans or fandom. During those times, fan fiction was only applicably used in the fan- based universe of Star Trek. It was this particular entertainment series that gave fan fiction powerful meaning. Admirers delighted themselves by combining their favorite characters and their own ideas. Hence, fan fiction was born.

So what is it about fan fiction that stimulates the young mind so easily? Apart from reading, fan fiction encourages the youth to approach the field of writing without force. What contrasts a Harry Potter book from a Mathematics textbook is the manner of how they influence the reader. This is highly crucial for the youth because students cannot always be in a somber state of mind; it is natural for them to wander and explore beyond the boundaries of reality because it allows them to mature from it. Even a life-changing discovery will not be of much importance to them when it fails to mingle with their interest. Therefore, it is normal for them to choose magic, giants, and elves rather than E=mc2 because, as far as they are concerned, the first makes more sense. Students are more likely motivated when they are inspired to be creative, not obliged to use it in difficult circumstances like math equations and scientific experiments. Young writers exercise their imagination and sense of creativity more often when the work intrigues them. Also, when writers have concrete knowledge of the story, it allows them to think outside the box and widen their ability to improvise.

For starting writers, one of the most challenging components in making a fictional realm is generating their own characters and composing a storyline. It takes a great amount of intellect and time to balance those two aspects and young writers either abandon a particular concept that could have been spectacular or tire themselves with failed attempts, causing them to lose their enthusiasm for writing which is why most writers approach fan fiction first, where the characters already exist.

Instead of concerning themselves in making up imaginary protagonists and antagonists, writers are able to focus more on other particulars in writing, such as formulating a plot, constructing a theme and experimenting on different types of writing styles. Fan fiction makes it simple for fan writers to establish a writing technique of their own when they don’t have to innovate every single detail. In short, fan fiction is a passageway for young writers to express themselves through their talent and passion.

Fan fiction can also serve as an exercise for young writers with proficient talent in drawing by executing their talents in creating fanzines. Fanzines are the comic counterpart of fan fiction; if fan fiction is a recreation of stories from books, fanzines are a recreation of stories from magazine comics. When artists who are still in the process of improving their skills have a premise to begin with, it would be easier for them to narrow down their attention in enhancing their proficiency in detailing, mastering different varieties of facial expressions, constructing body movements etc. Young artists can train both their aptitude for words and sketches simultaneously.

Fan fiction is healthy for young writers who wish to pursue a career in writing because they can easily demonstrate their talent and increase their chances to be recognized by publishers who are willing to promote their original work. Francisca Solar, a bestselling author who started out as a fan fiction writer said, “All the things I know about literature, about writing, I learned in the fan fiction world. I owe it everything.” Moreover, fan fiction challenges young writers to widen their perspective in the profession of writing and, in a way, mold them to become experts in the area of creative writing. The typical dilemma for unknown writers who want instant success is spending for publishing fees, or impressing publishers so that their work could be publicized, both of which teenagers and youngsters are unprepared for. Fan fiction is effortless and free of charge. Anyone can access anyone’s stories, meaning young writers who have the talent can get a publishing contract by just posting their work online. Having said that, young writers are given a wider set of opportunities in striving for their goal to become mainstream authors.

Fan fiction is both a source of enjoyment as much as it is a source of knowledge. It doesn’t force the youth to open books or to scribble around but encourages them all the more. It teaches them to regard the importance of genuine enthusiasm and passion for work. Through fan fiction, the younger generation is also encouraged to value the fact that one’s love for writing or one’s own passion doesn’t revolve around money, but revolves around one’s effort, determination, and inspiration.

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The Lasallian Scholarum Awards Winners Folio Volume Two 2009–2013 is produced by the DLSU Office for Strategic Communications.

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