I Am Enough

2013 — Part 10


There is so much more I could have written about this year but I’m going to leave it here. Not because I can’t resist an even number of parts to a story (11 just would not have done), or even because there are much more pressing items on my agenda that need my attention before the 31st — but simply because I’ve written about the most important turning points that have shaped my life this year.

Of course there are other moments and events that were both poignant and instrumental. For example: I can quite safely say that 2013 was the year I successfully let go of much of what was haunting me and holding me back on a personal level. It’s been the first year that I’ve heeded my own warnings and risen above much of the ego-fueled decisions I have made in the past. I’m not perfect — no-one is. But I’m on my way to being a little more mindful.

Most importantly — this was the year I learned to do things my way. I stopped letting people’s opinions shape my opinion of myself. I learned that not every situation needed a resolution and silence can be just as powerful as having the last word. I put an end to toxic relationships, I attempted to make peace with those I may have wronged (it’s a work in progress — there’s a fine line between the need for atonement and the need to simply walk away). Also— I have learned that if I am not ready to speak, then I simply don’t have to. The removal of expectation and obligation from the equation (that rhymed) was a solution I had been searching for, for a long time.

Mostly, above all things, I learned what perhaps was the most important lesson of all…

I am enough.


For those who have asked and for others who are interested — here is a list of resources that have taken me on my journey and shaped who I have become this year. I would recommend them all (to varying degrees — but recommend them nonetheless).

Susannah Conway — Unravelling: Ways of Seeing Myself & Unravelling the Year Ahead Workbook

Leonie Dawson — Create Your Amazing Year Workbook

Julia Cameron — The Artists Way

Bernadette Jiwa — Make Your Idea Matter

Chris Guillebeau — The Art of Nonconformity & The $100 Startup

Seth Godin — The Icarus Deception

Danielle LaPorte — The Firestarter Sessions & The Desire Map

Clare Bowditch — BigHearted Business

Kate Northrup — Money: A Love Story

Kris Carr — Crazy Sexy Kitchen

Austin Kleon — Steal Like an Artist

Sue Bryce — Confronting Fear (video)

Cheri Huber — There Is Nothing Wrong With You

Hailey Bartholomew — 365 Gratefuls

Clarissa Pinkola Estés — Women Who Run With the Wolves

