2014 — Top 10 Albums

Adam Doze
2014 reviews
Published in
2 min readDec 30, 2014


I made a list of my favourite albums from this year because I felt like it.

I've tried to base this on what I actually listened to a lot in 2014, rather than purely what I appreciated artistically. Anyway…

1 Woman’s Hour — Conversations

Something in the accent of singer Fiona Bugess drew me into this album. The plain bleak honesty of the lyrics and the delicate atmospheric production made it a killer.

2 Run The Jewels — Run The Jewels 2

I don’t know, maybe this should have had the top spot, but it couldn't more different from the Woman’s Hour record so its impossible to compare the two. This is big brutal hip hop, as heavy as anything I got into this year.

Close Your Eyes (And Count To Fuck) is both ridiculous and catchy as hell.

3 Liars — Mess

Dance gone bonkers. Sample lyric from opening track, Mask Maker:

Take my pants off, use my socks, smell my socks, eat my face off, eat my face off, take my face, give me your face, GIVE ME YOUR FACE

4 Ought — More Than Any Other Day

I read somewhere that Ought “don’t make music that sounds like Talking Heads or Television, they make music that sounds like the first time you heard Talking Heads or Television”. — that pretty much covers it.

5 Real Estate — Atlas

Sound of the summer for me. Hazy breezy jangly guitars. But why include the pointless instrumental? Just skip that track and you’re good.

6 Lykke Li — I Never Learn

Dark pop perfection. You probably either love or hate heir voice though.

7 Future Of The Left — How To Stop Your Brain In An Accident

This reincarnation of Mclusky isn't infallible, but they've always made patchy albums. As usual, this one is worth it for the highs.

8 Tom Vek — Luck

One man band makes fun album. Does good drums.

9 GoGo Penguin — V2.0

Even though they named it v2.0 like its 2005 and they just worked out how to use the internet this is still a pretty good modern jazz album.

10 YOB — Clearing A Path To Ascend

Face melting beautiful doom metal. These guys are about a million years old, but still. Surprisingly uplifting for doom. An album I could happily listen to on repeat all day long.

