April 1: The Wine Bar

Kelly O'Mara
2015: My Year of Writing
1 min readApr 2, 2015

The sun comes sideways through the windows and hits the empty wine bottles that line the ceiling end to end. They are in rows, strung like a necklace along a thin rod, all varied just enough from one another so as not to appear too intentional. It seems unlikely that someone drank all those bottles, not even at this wine bar. There are too many, hundreds stretched across the dark and specifically decorated room.

It is a template of a wine bar, a scene set under the description “wine bar, not too fancy.” Tables are off wood, with low chairs that almost resemble couches. Menus are written in large chalk across the walls. Today is Wine Down Wednesday. Each round of wine is a dollar cheaper than the round before. “Wine your way down to a free glass.”

That almost sounds like a good idea in here. Order another. Lean back. The sun is setting just so through the tinted windows, and you can’t hear the busy street outside. If you squint it nearly looks like a picture.



Kelly O'Mara
2015: My Year of Writing

@USCAnnenberg fellow, reporter/intellectual workhorse for @YahooTravel @RunCompetitor @KQED, sometime triathlete http://www.sunnyrunning.com