April 5: Through the Mist

Kelly O'Mara
2015: My Year of Writing
1 min readApr 8, 2015

Yesterday, it was sunny and the roads were filled with people. Today, the cold mist settles on empty trails. Except for us.

We run, three of us, side-by-side up into the tall trees. It is colder than expected, but not cold enough to warrant pants, and each of us tugs at the edges of our sleeves as we go, trying to cover white fingers. It will get warmer if we run harder, and so we do.

On the other side of the hill the rain starts. The heavy mist turns heavier and then into actual drops. Soon our sleeves stick to our arms and the water pours down our faces. Mud speckles the back of legs and coats shoes. It’s not bad. Not really. Just wet and alive and, if our hands weren’t curled up into fists for warmth, we’d almost throw our arms out to the rain. If we didn’t need to keep running. So we do.



Kelly O'Mara
2015: My Year of Writing

@USCAnnenberg fellow, reporter/intellectual workhorse for @YahooTravel @RunCompetitor @KQED, sometime triathlete http://www.sunnyrunning.com