

The cumulative efforts of at least 50 people are represented in this volume, the third annual edition of the Index of Culture and Opportunity, demonstrating its thesis that the proper function of each part contributes to the success of the whole.

In addition to the 35 content contributors, numerous Heritage colleagues helped the project reach completion. Leslie Merkle provided ever-ready assistance to keep the parts functioning smoothly together throughout the project. Christine Kim, Jamie Hall, and Patrick Tyrrell gave reliable technical assistance. Mary Clare Reim and Melody Wood pitched in with research assistance. The editorial precision of Richard Odermatt, Therese Pennefather, and William Poole improved the readability and consistency of the content. Jay Simon and John Fleming continued to innovate and enhance the publication design and data presentation. The oversight of Maria Sousa made possible the online delivery, while Marguerite Bowling oversaw communications efforts.

It is a pleasure to work with these colleagues who regularly go above and beyond their duties because of their commitment to excellence and to the cause of a stronger society for the good of all.

Jennifer A. Marshall
Rachel Sheffield
Institute for
Family, Community,
and Opportunity

Next Up in the Index:

Preface by Jim DeMint

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Heritage Foundation
2016 Index of Culture and Opportunity

A think tank devoted to the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense.