Announcing the Do One Thing Project

A month-long quest to live more sustainably


This week marks the beginning of Oyster-Adams Bilingual School’s Do One Thing (DOT) Project. This project is inspired by both the Alliance for Climate Education and a 2012 collaboration between four teachers (including me!) who participated in the Japan-U.S. Teacher Exchange Program for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).

This year, 51 8th grade students and two teachers will commit to do one thing to be more mindful of their use of our natural resources.

During the first week, students and teachers will collect baseline data on their current lifestyle/actions. Then, for four weeks, those involved will record quantitative and qualitative data to record their new lifestyle change.

Every student will document his/her experience on a daily basis, create a weekly reflection on Medium, and represent his/her action artistically in a mural.

We will be hummingbirds. We will do the best we can!

In a world where we are constantly bombarded by problems we face, it is easy to get completely overwhelmed. The DOT Project reminds students and teachers that it is our individual responsibility to do the best we can. Individual actions have ripple effects and can collectively make a big impact.

To follow the students’ progress, subscribe to our publication by clicking here.

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