Challenges of Being Vegan

Xiana Calderon
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project


Being a vegan is really hard and requires a lot of commitment. This week I have had a constant feeling of hunger and lack of protein. My mom has been encouraging me to stay vegan but I think I should not be vegan because it’s hard for me not to have animal products if I am going to be an athlete.

This is what happens after track practice

Being vegan has been an event that I will always remember. I felt really good being vegan because I was helping the environment. Most of the meals I made I really liked and I made the food without any animal products.

Some of my favorite vegan meals have been:

  • Potatoes with mushrooms
  • Rice and beans (lentils)
  • Salad (tomatoes, lettuce, olives, apples)

A challenge I had to face is to resist animal products. My mom made ribs one time during the project and I couldn’t eat it. I was so mad, I ate my dinner (avocado, celery, carrots, and peppers with hummus) outside so that I wouldn’t have to smell it! Another example involves the fact that I am responsible for giving my brothers breakfast in the morning. I was going vegan but they weren’t so they got milk in their cereal and I had vegan bread with jelly instead.

Some reasons that you should be vegan is that it helps the environment by creating less carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide effects climate change by enhancing the greenhouse effect.

This article talks about how oil is not cheap and how carbon dioxide destroys the environment.

