Environmentally dangerous addiction

Memo Adams
Oyster-Adams’ Do One Thing Project


First meal back in the US

Most people that see how many burgers I eat would say that it is impossible that I could eat enough burgers to make a global impact. However two times a week I, head to five guys and order a cheeseburger with two patties, onions, lettuce, and tomato. I would consider myself to be a burger addict and I estimate that I probably inhale around 100 burgers a year. Unfortunately I also care about the environment and that is the only reason I decided I would lay off. The problem with eating beef is that cows produce a GHG called methane.

Methane is 23 times more potent than CO2 and what these greenhouse gasses do is they trap the sun’s infrared radiation causing the earth to become warmer. This is a natural process but thanks to human activities we are enhancing the effect.

What Inspired me was when I learned that CO2 is the biggest contributor to climate change to name a specific site http://www.livescience.com/46902-beef-production-environmental-impacts.html. Which specifically targets my consumption of burgers. I personally eat multiple burgers on weekly basis but seeing the effects a single (or in my case a double) burger can have on the environment it motivated me to give them up for an entire month.

