Do you see these great buildings?

March 6, 2019 (Bible Devotional)

Wendly Saintil
4 min readJun 22, 2019


Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash

And Jesus answering said unto him, Seest thou these great buildings? there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down. — Mark 13:2


The great teacher always tells his followers what to expect. In his conversation with his disciple before his crucifixion, he warns them of what to expect. And the reason that he told what will happen beforehand is to increase our faith. Nothing on the grand scale can take the disciple of Christ by surprise. Jesus has told us what will take place in the final days of earth history.

Yet in telling us what to expect, Jesus wants to inspire faith in us. He does share this information with us to scare us, but to share with us the expected end. As foretold, we can see famine, wars, disasters increased in magnitude, yet we not worry. Violence will increase, sin will become more prevalent. But we can assure that God’s grace is available much more. And that our God is a shelter in the time of stone.

Great buildings

Human buildings have improved over the years. Even in the early days, many civilizations were able to design some impressive structure. They were tall, guarded, and appealing. Many of these building stood as wonders for all to behold. One of these building was the temple of Jerusalem. This center of religious practice was regarded by many Israelites as impregnable to any harm.

The same can be said of many modern buildings. They are designed to specs. Built to withstand storm and earthquake. They have a sectional frame that is able to withstand some many a disaster. The buildings are great. They are secure. It can say of them like the temple at Jerusalem, that they are impregnable to any harm.


Yet our Savior declares, that of Jerusalem that not one stone will be left upon another. This was inconceivable. They disciple imagined this will only happen at the end of the world. The thought that Jerusalem can only vanish when the lord will make a new heaven and a new earth. But the Lord spoke of a nearer day, will Jerusalem will be encompassed by an army, besieged and burned.

One stone

The magnificent buildings that we admire will one day be reduced to dust. According to the apostle Peter, all the elements of the earth will be destroyed. And Jesus will make all things new. Yet let us not put our trust in any earthly things. We do not know what may happen at any moment. Many a beautiful structure that was designed to last decade, was swept away by a disaster. Buildings that we thought were fireproof has been reduced to ruin. And left with not even one stone.

Oh, it is inconceivable to us not to believe that the great buildings of this earth will be destroyed. Maybe unlike the disciple of old, we think that such a thing will never happen. We may even cry that since the foundation of the world things continue as they were. We even have evidence of structures that have stood the test of time for centuries and even millennium. We are slow to entertain that all the stones from the great buildings of our time can be destroyed. We might even reject his notion.

But beloved, let us know that our Savior simply tells us these things to strengthen our faith. To the intent that we may believe in him when we see these things happening. Tough it may be inconceivable to us not, we know that Christ is the truth. He has never uttered a lie. In telling what to expect before it happens, he reassures us that He knows all things. And when men’s heart will fail them because of fear, we can be assured that we have nothing to worry about.

Thrown Down

Every lofty building will be thrown down. Everything that is earthly will be broken. Yes, this will not only happen to the earthy tabernacles, but also to this temporal body. For this reason, Christ has invited us to cast down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to his obedience. When we do this, we have the assurance that this mortal body will replace by an immortal one, when Jesus makes all things new.



Wendly Saintil

Adventist. Software Engineer @Affirm. Podcaster. Pilgrim made in #Haiti. @UF 15'. Build to #Inspire #Improve #Serve