Is there anything that is new?

October 8, 2019 (Bible Devotional)

Wendly Saintil
3 min readDec 26, 2019


Photo by Dietmar Becker on Unsplash

Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us. — Ecclesiastes 1:10

This is new

There is nothing new in the human experience. Everything that we can encounter has its mirror in the past. We are often led to believe our parents are not as smart as we are. This is a mistake for every generation. It may be true that we live under a set of different circumstances, but the experiences are still the same.

Mankind is always in search of something new. Through perseverance and patience, we have invented many machines. There are many tools and devices that we have created. They help us shape a more productive life for ourselves. Even though these devices might be new to us, the concepts themselves are not new.

The very thing that brings joy for a few seasons will cease. A new car, a new gadget, a new house, a new tool, all will soon become old in a short time. The very best of human ingenuity is simply a replay of archaic wisdom.

It existed already

According to the Bible, there is nothing new in the human experience. A person may get a new car. The car is new to him, but the idea of transportation and that of getting a car is not new. A nation may build a new powerful space force. The equipment may be new. The personnel may be new. But the idea of defense it’s not new.

And the list goes on. The new iPhone does not imply that communication is new. A breakthrough in the world of quantum computing does not update the laws of physics. Powerful changes in aviation do not make the idea of faster travel new. And the same can be said of many other things.

Many things grab our attention now. Many things make us go wow. But, if we want to go back to 10 years ago, the same can be said. Show me something new, 5 years from now I’ll show you something that belongs to a museum.

In time past

In life, we might be tempted to believe that we are a special case. And no one understands what we are going through. That is not true. Nothing of what we go through is new. This is why the Bible counsels us to learn from our parents. It even promises that this simple act of obedience will help us to enjoy a long life.

The fact that nothing is new under the Sun should encourage us. This indicates that God is also able to deliver us out of our troubles. The same way he delivers the patriarchs and prophets, God can succor us. No challenge is new to God.



Wendly Saintil

Adventist. Software Engineer @Affirm. Podcaster. Pilgrim made in #Haiti. @UF 15'. Build to #Inspire #Improve #Serve