Who has believed our report?

April 24, 2019 (Bible Devotional)

Wendly Saintil
4 min readJul 5, 2019


Photo by Geetanjal Khanna on Unsplash

Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed? — Isaiah 53:1


The prophet Isaiah had a difficult ministry. When He called to become a prophet, he admitted that he lived among an unclean people. The Lord also had shown him that his ministry will be super fruitful in his day. Just like Noah, unless very few will actually listen to his preaching and teaching. According to Lord, only a remnant shall be saved through the prophecy and teaching of Isaiah.

Isaiah is also nicknamed the Gospel prophets. Jesus quotes from this scroll often. He will also call the Pharisee on his to revisit these passages, often times Jesus will use his passages in his rebuttals. Isaiah’s ministry was not appreciated during his lifetime. The prophet was killed for proclaiming the truth. And here as it addressing the prophesying about deliverer that is to come, Isaiah is wondering will his prophecy fall on death ears.

Israel was in complete backsliding stage. Their sin was as red as crimson. God was wondering is there anything that he could do to remedy their situation. In the book, we find that God is denouncing the wretched state of Israel. Yet we still find an open invitation calling to come and reason with God. The prophets attempt to call the mind of the people to the word of God and his testimonies. He is urging to place their trust in God yet once more promising that He will strengthen them and renew their strength like an eagle.


The choice was extended to every Israelites and the Gentiles also. Through Israel, God started to share with Israel his plan to save all nations. He is showing Israel their failure in living godly lives. And also the failure to influence the neighboring nations for God. Israel was supposed to be the light of the world, they were assigned to become the salt of the earth. Yet they grew ungodly and they have trodden underfoot the grace of God.

Year after year, the state of unbelief grew worse. Not only did the Israelites fail to believe in the promises of God, but they turned the back to worship Idols. The Rock that brought them salvation is forgotten. The heathen God of the nations were exalted. Yet God has not forsaken his people. For while they were yet sinners, God commended his love toward them. Not Israel only but to all who will receive the gift of Salvation granted to Jesus Christ.

For as many receive Christ, they are adopted in the heavenly family. They are the sons of God. And this privilege is granted to every man. As the Gospel command goes further beyond the regions Judea, all who believe and are baptize are promised Salvation.

Our report

The report was then recorded by Isaiah, now many apostles confirmed the story. Adding to this is the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. The ministry of Christ stands recorded in the pages of history so that none is without excuse. All are invited to come and taste that the Lord. Each has been granted reasoning and everyone has to decide “Is this the Christ?”

This report was formerly condensed in the book Isaiah, but now we find all details of this prophesied life in the four Gospels. And many of the epistles enrich our view of the story. The apostles confirmed that story in the early church. And in all future generations, the story has been recorded and reported by believers.


The story of Christ is revealed. From past to present, the Bible opens to us the blueprint of what Christ wants to accomplish. It is mainly this: to solve the sin problem. Christ has provided a way to save sinners. He plans to get rid of sin completely. And He will destroy sin and all who chooses to hold onto sin. For this reason, He has provided more grace so that where sin formerly abounds, it shall no more dominate. Liberty and freedom from sin are granted to all who will come to Christ.

These things are not hidden. They have been made public information. In the last book of the Bible, God has granted a Revelation of himself. He shows us what will happen at the end of the world. He shows us exactly how it will solve the sin problem. The final destination of sin and worker of iniquities is revealed. The beautiful part of the story is that God has created a simple yet effective way to save mankind. None need to die in the destruction of sinner. For God has stretched out his arm to the doomed race, and He has revealed how might get a hold of it.



Wendly Saintil

Adventist. Software Engineer @Affirm. Podcaster. Pilgrim made in #Haiti. @UF 15'. Build to #Inspire #Improve #Serve