Execution: Mobile Strategy

Spencer Jensen
2019 DGM 3750 / Ancestry DNA Case Study
2 min readDec 11, 2019

Author: Spencer Jensen

We have a few suggestions for Mobile AncestryDNA’s mobile strategy and the first is minifying the Javascript of the web site.

Minifying Javascript is essential for any website that runs on it. It’s the core of the site and makes it all run. So if it takes forever to load, your site is only as good as your loading times as your responsiveness goes out the window. By minifying AncestryDNA’s Javascript the site speeds up by about 1.4 seconds.

1.4 seconds means a lot with mobile experiences. The slower the site, the higher the bounce rate goes up, even if the information the user wants is there.

Author: Parker Goodwin

  • Trackers and tags help deliver relevant content to the user (i.e. cookies).
  • The average website has 43 trackers, bogging its performance down by a considerable amount.
  • AncestryDNA has 27 trackers according to Ghostery (Chrome Plugin)
  • A fast loading site with minimal interferences will result in better user analytics varying on the engagement of the content.

Author: James Hooper

But not only that buying the Adword: Genealogy Test, we bring more and more people to the site, and with our faster loading and snappier site, we increase the amount of customers that stay on the site, as less of them will leave due to slow loading times.

We recommend buying the Top Adword — genealogy test. This is one of the top keywords in searching for a genealogy test that can help guide people directly to the AncestryDNA Kit.

The keyword genealogy test ranks six times higher than any other similar keyword. In addition, this top Adword has over 5.4k impressions a month.

Source: https://www.spyfu.com/keyword/overview?query=genealogy%20tests



Spencer Jensen
2019 DGM 3750 / Ancestry DNA Case Study

I am a Web and Application Development Student at Utah Valley University currently working at Caselle as an Automated QA Engineer creating Automated Tests.