Yes I Still Use The Public Library

Venkata Adidam
2019 UVA New Media Strategies
2 min readMar 6, 2019

So, over the past two decades the one thing people don’t believe is that I go to the library and get books. Today’s library is very different from ten, twenty, and even thirty years ago.

Today’s library has movies, audio books, and even a 3-D printer. Libraries stopped loaning: Video Games to my dismay. Did I mention they have a machine that creates bound books like the ones you get at Barnes and Noble. And my favorite tool to keep track is: Twitter. The library gives me an Twitter alerts of everything I need to know.

I get an alert of early closings due to snow storms and holidays. I get notifications of author readings and special lectures. The lectures are broad topics ranging from: children’s activities to specialized topics on technology. A few weeks ago, I went to a grand opening of a library and thought there would be a few people. And thought a few people would arrive — I believe Twitter helped spread the message by riposting the information on other mediums.

At some points, I did suggest books the library should purchase and rarely was I given an opportunity to reply to a question. Another patron would answer it within seconds of posting.

I hope people use this wonderful government service.

My two questions for Government Social Media are:

  1. When does listening to the people turn into spying on people?
  2. I know the library provides a service, the funding is based on sentiment, and social media is critical. What is the motivation for other Government agencies to interact on Social Media? Its not like we can go to a DMV in another state because we don’t like the one here.

