God’s Preparation
October 4, 2020 (Bible Devotional)
The LORD hath prepared his throne in the heavens; and his kingdom ruleth over all. — Psalms 103:19
Sometimes we are convinced that earth will continue daily. We are so focused on this life’s daily activities that we forget that this earth will soon pass away. Just like the time of Noah, we live to be merry. Yet Christ is seeking to point our minds heavenward. This earth continues for a while, yet the time is upon us when all the kingdoms of this world will come to a stop. Christ will establish a better kingdom.
Jesus is the ruler of all the earth. Now for a season, we may find that evil is roaming throughout the world. The enemy of souls is causing many to fall into sin. And the whole creation is groaning under the effect of the burden we place on the planet. Human greed and avarice are causing suffering and havoc and many parts of the globe. We show minimal sympathy as we devour one another. Sadly, we manage to configure the worldly government to sustains our fleshly interest.
Jesus has a better kingdom. He prepares a throne in heaven. Many want to talk in the name of Jesus; they even claim that they want to establish God’s kingdom on earth. Throughout the Bible, we never find Christ delegating dominionists. Jesus tells us plainly that his kingdom is not of this world. And again in we see that Jesus is the builder on his throne. The creator of the world has sufficient power to establish his kingdom.
Christ calls us as inheritors of his kingdom. Yet many want to take the role of builders. Some Christians try to hijack the nations of this world and to transform them into godly government. The development taking around many so-called Christian nations in this world is satanic. The Lord already prepare his thrones. And everyone who is using Christ as an excuse to pursue power is merely doing the world of the devil. Jesus is a ruler over all. He is good. He solicits no help.
Do you believe Christians should establish nations?
The Prayer — Heavenly Father, we are glad to know that you rule overall. We look with great hope for your coming kingdom. Come quickly, Lord Jesus. Amen.