Origin of 2020 Life Film

LMichelle Salvant
2020 Life Film
1 min readMay 3, 2021


Honestly, the 2020 Life Film was actually suppose to be my creative way to capture turning 40-years old(thus the 20+20) back in 2019. What it has turned into is a journey of soul healing, self development, personal growth, artistry, community, and daily motivation to “Be Present,” at least for the next 10-years(2019–2029). That’s right, this is now a 10-year Immersive Journaling(r) series, which comes with my full commitment to capture Life…EVERYDAY, through my own eyes, using smartglasses. And perhaps more importantly, look back over that Life captured, reflect, see what it reveals and make the necessary adjustments to truly, “Be Better.” Here on Medium, I’ll be writing what I learn as I grow, in the form of the 2020 Life Film publication. I will also have contributors along the way, who find themselves with me on this journey and are willing to share their Life Film as well. I’m super excited about this journey, and also somewhat nervous about what I will experience over the next 10 years. Still, I’m going for it, believing for the best and capturing that and all the rest as it unfolds along the way .

(Watch The Trailer For Vol.1)

#FirstPost ~L. (May 2021)

