8 (sorry)

Ava Closson
2020 Spring Capstone
2 min readApr 25, 2020

Hi Medium!! I’m sorry I’ve neglected you. To be honest I completely forgot all about you and then I remembered but you weren’t the most important thing and anyways sorry! I’m here now!!

Ok so i’m backtracking a little bit but I remember — i’d also had this draft already started. After talking to middle school students on a Tuesday, that Thursday we had a class crit (I think). I brought in all the papers from middle school students and kind of talked through what I thought my next steps were and insights from the students, including shifting away from posters and moving towards more digital applications (social media & website), and going back to my sans serif typeface direction. Some advice from that crit was to include as much language as I could from the students, to try adding the speech bubble symbols in as an extension of the logo, I mentioned the thought of having celebrity “endorsements” or stories weaved in and people gave me suggestions about that, and I also got very mixed feedback about my photography treatments. Talking through what the students had written and told me helped me see how I should move forward.

(where i’d ended with my funky typeface —> the direction I moved to [a previous iteration])

