And Here it is

Maria Fisher
2020 Spring Capstone
2 min readApr 7, 2020

So I’ve been chugging along at animating and making progress. It’s taken a while but I’ve gone through the whole video. I think from here it’s going to be small changes, tweaks, adding the noise/grain texture and adding secondary actions to certain movements. Also, adding in my background music/sound effects. I put in music at the important style switch part already but there will definitely be more sound than that in the end. I think that will really elevate the entire video. One thing that I am still figuring out is how the evidence poofs out of the frame after popping up from the scene. The way I wanted to do it didn’t work out quite well so that’s something I will be working on today.

Storyboards 1 & 2
Storyboards 3 & 4

So without further ado, here is my first run through of the whole video. Some things will change more in the beginning to fix timing issues and add more visual interest. I’m planning to meet with DJ on Thursday which I expect to have some changes to this video by then but I wanted to get what I’ve done out there now.

Also I took this screenshot during our last Cappy Hour and everyone looks so happy I thought I’d share :)

