Entry 10

Joshua Hardman
2020 Spring Capstone
1 min readApr 5, 2020

We are getting there! Some minor shifts and tweaks each day, and the book is slowly becoming optimized. Type restraints, layout changes, and other edits are pushing the system to what I am hoping is its best form. By the week of April 6, I am hoping to completely finish the format and prepare for outsourcing as well as prepare for digital representation. My motivation continues to ebb and flow, and overall I think I’ve reached a place of exhaustion. My current schedule, albeit from home, is busier than it has ever been and I am really looking towards the finish line. There’s a lot of emotional tension I am experiencing from the unknowns to come, and I still feel I have not been able to grieve this loss properly — something in me just won’t allow it. But I’m doing my absolute best to be present and not get frustrated with myself for a lack of emotional outlet. It will come when it needs to, as it will with all of us. I am really excited about finishing this book, for now it represents so much more than just a capstone project.

