Gantt Stop Me Now

Jared Ziegler
2020 Spring Capstone
1 min readFeb 24, 2020

Not so much a Gantt Chart as much as a weekly to-do list. I thought that another round of planning was in order after the faculty review. The faculty review went fairly well. A few questions were asked that I was able to clarify. Not much else in regards to feedback or critique, which I am happy with, given that I have a somewhat clear vision to the finish line.

Week 7

Model all settings and backgrounds.

Week 8

Create animatic/cameramatic.

Week 9

Sound design/Music

Week 10

Spring break but still… Small tweaks based on the new audio.

Week 11

Capture live-action shots and curate Mixamo motions for distanced silhouettes. Create reference images.

Week 12

Animate characters.

Week 13

Animate characters.

Week 14

Combine assets and render.

Week 15

Combine assets, revisions, and render.

Of course, this is only regarding my short film, but I will also make time for my poster design and progress book. As of now, this all seems manageable. I can see where there might be spillover, but I am hoping that I can stay on track. I have a feeling that once I start to see the end more visibly, I will be more excited about finishing, pushing me through to the end.

