making final decisions (finally!)

Alexandra Gerome
2020 Spring Capstone
3 min readApr 14, 2020

week 10 |

This week I really buckled down and worked out everything with my wireframes. I made final decisions on color palette, hierarchy, indentations, column width (+ positioning) and background textures. I also made further decisions on navigation bars– the main navigation & the timeline/cardinal rule tracker.

It’s worth noting that, after taking the designated time off for spring break, I was more energized and ready to work on my project again. I was definitely feeling the burn of working consistently on it for weeks-on-end and needed the sanctioned break. Taking that step back allowed me the space to take a deep breath and fall in love with my project all over again.

Anyways, as I was saying, I have been making some final decisions in regards to my capstone project. These decisions did not come lightly and took many hours of careful consideration and dedicated planning to come to. However, as they are now made, I would like to share them with you! So here they are…

  • First and foremost, the home/landing page is complete with a hovering navigation that will hop you between the main points of content on the page (this is the white text in the upper right corner reading ‘diagnosing the chaos,’ ‘initiating the conversation,’ ‘the timeline’).
  • I am still deciding verbiage on ‘the timeline’ as I am uncertain if it is clear that this is in reference to the Cardinal Rules for Empathetic Communication; I further am uncertain if this is needed on the navigation, as it falls under ‘initiating the conversation’ which is a short section.
  • Additionally, note that the ‘diverging pathways’ section has not yet been written (I am struggling with perfecting this language as it is the most important part of the site).
  • ‘the timeline’ is also not fully flushed out. As it stands now, all it indicates is where you are currently in the site. I would like to also indicate where you have been and where you can go (this part is remotely indicated by the carrot arrows between the titles/leaders as it is now, but could be highlighted more).
  • Below are the individual rule pages. They are laid out to be as identical to one another as possible, maintaining a grid and column system; they further use the same hierarchy of type. Their only differentiations occur in page length, but even that is considered in the grid.
  • The background graphic is the correlating ‘initiating the conversation’ scribble blown up to touch each of the six pages in tandem.
  • Rags, orphans and widows are accounted for to the best of my ability within the grid– plus or minus a little leway.

So this is where I am now! I will be rapidly progressing into the prototyping stage as I work to user test this (to the best of my ability) is the virtual world we live in today. I look forward to what is to become of my capstone!

