The Hero’s Journey

Jared Ziegler
2020 Spring Capstone
2 min readJan 28, 2020

Although you may think this post is about me and my capstone journey (I guess it kind of is), it’s about my main character. After my first one-on-one meeting with DJ, he asked me what my main character’s nemesis is and what do they gain/earn that they use to defeat this nemesis? Since I have been working on this so long, the answer in my head is so clear, but I cannot seem to actualize it.

I mentioned before that my main character goes through a realization of some sort, but never addressed what it is they learn. It is not enough to give them a panic attack that makes them realize they need a change. I need to clearly show what that “weapon” is that they gain to defeat their nemesis of being a maximizer. Could it be something they come across or do/don’t do in the beginning that comes back around? Is it something someone tells them? Something they read before bed?

As for style, I still need to do more exploration and not be satisfied with what I have already. There is still an awkward relationship between the styles I have made for the settings and the characters. They are neither similar or different enough. I feel like this will be more fleshed out once it comes time to start animating (tick-tock-tick-tock), but it is in the back of my mind while I work on my script/storyboard.

Next Steps:

  1. Complete my script! Put all the pieces together now. They’re scattered and disorganized, but all the pieces are there.
  2. First draft storyboards/animatic. I keep saying I think this will come out to about 2 minutes, but truly I won’t know until I put an animatic to music.

