this week was hard

Ava Closson
2020 Spring Capstone
2 min readApr 14, 2020

hello medium. morale is low. this past week was.. hard. telling family and vendors about the wedding postponement is not fun? Can you believe places want “rescheduling fees” during a pandemic!!! Joke’s on them though I’ll have no money. My sister has a fever. Our power was out for almost 48 hours (which doesn’t sound like anything when I type it out.. but that was hard.) Driving around to charge our phones so that I could email my professors to ask for extensions on assignments wasn’t fun. My sister has a fever. We had to throw out almost everything in our fridge and then my grocery pick-up was delayed for two days. my prescriptions are not cheap. i don’t understand the unemployment website or process. my sister has a fever. my sister was at my mom’s last week. i am terrified. happy easter! This is my diary now. I’m gonna try to do some more work tonight and tomorrow morning but.. not much has gotten done. sorry. sorry to be so complain-y

good things:
i bought music designed for cats and it makes my cat happy and calm
my cat
my neighbor made me a reusable mask
no damage was done to our cars during the storm
most all of my wedding vendors have been super nice
my fiance is a wonderful person and i love that we can spend time together
being out of work is definitely the safest thing for me
i’m *hopefully* going to graduate
my mom has a ton of paid sick time
school is almost done
i’ve been outside more
i had a really nice dream the other day

