Week 1: Back & Forward

Mailcole Mamo
2020 Spring Capstone
2 min readJan 27, 2020

Can’t walk back into capstone, gotta be thrown.


Our initial presentations summing up where we ending last semester was a much needed refresh for my capstone brain. While it gave me a chance to catch myself up with where I was, presenting to a new group of people brought up some new ideas and gave a push to revisit some old ones. One of the ideas that was mentioned was to show people in some way in the book. Initially, I imagined the book having people within the photography but have since pivoted away from that vision. But with Hannah’s suggestion of trying to incorporate painted type on hands I thought it was worth experimenting with.With Pecha Kechas this week, I decided to dedicate some slides to exploring that idea.


Right now the stress comes in waves. I think I’ll have a better handle on it once I can get a schedule down for capstone work since I’m still trying to find a steady rhythm to my work flow. I can start to get overwhelmed when I sit down to work on capstone. My brain will start to worry about week-7 checklists when I haven’t even gotten through today’s. It can begin to feel like I’m fighting to keep my focus on one decision or task at a time. I’ve been trying to work with less distractions to try and curb the stimulation that might be feeding my over-thinking. Small things like working in browsers with less tabs open or working in an environment I can control has helped but even still I can find myself slipping into an “I got get it all done right now!!” head space. This feeling is a pretty familiar one, but now more than ever I need to find tools to help me shift away from this “all at once” mindset.

