Spring Break + Week 11

Ben Koch
2020 Spring Capstone
3 min readMar 28, 2020

This has been a very interesting 2 weeks. I hope everyone is adjusting to working remotely well!

I’m slowly getting back to working on the animation, and with the break, I’m starting to reconsider some of my animations. For instance, I am feeling that the current text animation is pretty boxed in and static once it all animates on. I made another version of the type animation that utilizes the entire comp, but it isn’t as smooth as I’d want.

If anyone has some ideas/feedback on these two please let me know :) I’m still leaning towards the second animations style, but it would require me to slow down the intro of the video a bit so someone could read it.

Besides working on reconsidering my type animation choice, I started to work on a booklet to help emphasize “why boredom” in a more in-depth way. It’s currently a bit all over the place style-wise, but I wanted to work with type more and thought this would be a fun side project. However, I am starting to shift from thinking that this will be a print piece to something that lives alongside the video digitally.

Currently, this project is not a priority (just something I can work on when I want to take a break from animating), but when I pick this back up I want to work on and answer these questions:

- Connect the style back to the animation more
- Add more spreads to help space out content
- Where will this piece live in relation to the animation?
- Should I even do this lol

