Week 12: User Tests

Annemarie Meyers
2020 Spring Capstone
3 min readApr 5, 2020

User interviews were incredibly helpful this week. I did 7 user tests, and of those 7, there were two Type 3’s, two Type 8’s, and one Type 1. This was especially helpful because those users could give feedback on not only site design and functionality, but also the content in Step 2 that described their type. Below is the general feedback I received, some of the issues people were having, and what I plan on doing to resolve those issues:

General Positive Feedback

  • The most common instance of people not understanding where to click next was with the Enneagram symbol in Step 1, but other than that, most everyone felt confident about where to click for the directions
  • Having the adjectives at the top of Step 1 descriptions helps because people don’t necessarily have to read every single paragraph
  • All users felt that had this been their experience in discovering their type, the timing, process, and layout would have kept them motivated to continue all the way through to the end
  • All users really appreciated the ability in Step 2 to see the key differences between their Top Three types
  • The final step of the test felt validating and like the user had accomplished something
  • Having hover states for the sections of Step 2 will make that information even more clear

Problems & Solutions

For some people, the Diagram isn’t immediately perceived as clickable.

  • Adding a direction inside the Enneagram symbol similar to that on The System page

The button styles are not always obvious.

  • Adjusting the button style to a white outline when it is deselcted and a white fill when selected or hovered over

“At the Core”, the section in Step 2, is a vague term and hard for people to understand what information that will include

  • Changing “At the Core” to “Core Attributes”

It is not clear that being able to answer yes to the typing questions in Step 2 means that you are more likely to be that type

  • Writing an introduction to the typing questions that says that these are some question to consider as you are learning about this type, and if you answer yes to some or all of these questions, it makes it more likely that this could be your type

The instructions aren’t always necessary and lack function since you can’t directly relate what they’re telling you to do to what is on the screen

  • Rewrite the instructions so that they more give a general sense of what you are doing for each step. The site is generally intuitive enough that people just need an introduction to each step, not direct step by step instructions for how to use the interface.

In The Types, having the worst health level at the top doesn’t allow for people to ease themself into the information and can be jarring

  • Readjust the order of the health levels so that the best health level is at the top

Some people may want something they can take away from the final step, as a reminder of the information and experience

  • Create a one-pager PDF that people can download in the final step that contains information about their type

This week, I am going to be focusing on making these edits and beginning to animate The Test section in Principle. My hope is to have the animation ready by the end of the week so that I can spend next week making edits and then creating the two screens that will introduce people to The Types.

