Week 3: Type & Color

Mailcole Mamo
2020 Spring Capstone
2 min readFeb 4, 2020

This past week I focused on trying to make some decisions on the type and color for my book. I made a 3x3 grid that I translated to to the pages above to test out the relationship between a header typeface, a body copy typeface, and a color palette. The colors I chose were taken from the hand painted experiments I did last week and the type was inspired by type explorations done earlier this semester and last semester. The final collection of type and color is the direction that I feel is working the best, although I plan on rearranging how certain typefaces are used. Overall though the color feels like the direction I want to be heading towards.

While I felt like this was a nice exercise to synthesize type and color into a key direction, it was still missing something. From the conversation I had with DJ, I saw that the sense of play and this handmade quality I had established in all of my experiments before wasn’t now coming through. I want the book to visually represent these ideas, so from here I want to go back to analog studies to help build back a handmade quality to the visuals.

Goals for next week and peer reviews:

  • Create my own typeface using my handwriting
  • Create 3 cover directions with more experimentation that recaptures a sense of play
  • Create 3 spreads, each that visually correlates with one of the cover directions
  • After peer reviews use the feedback given to choose a final visual direction and begin refining to develop a style guide

