Week 5

Ben Koch
2020 Spring Capstone
2 min readFeb 16, 2020

This past week I have been putting my focus on animation after another round of tweaking the gradient and color. So far I have about 25 seconds animated and plan to have the roughcut done in a couple of weeks.

Below is an example of the eye scene and transition

Eye Scene

Updated Schedule:

Week 6: roughcut at 50%
Week 7: roughcut at 75%
Week 8: roughcut finished
Week 9: final cut and music/sound exploration
Spring Break
Week 10: final cut and music/sound exploration
Week 11: final cut finished
Week 12: wrap up sound editing
Week 13: process book printed
Week 14: final touches
Week 15: the show

For the faculty review, I am focusing on showing two major transitions of the animation (the beginning, and turning point)

In the animation below I've been messing around with expressions in order to get each shape to interact with each other. This will be a part of the turning point animation (shapes will move slower and be filled with the gradient in the final version).

Test Animation

