Week 8: Revision Decisions

Annemarie Meyers
2020 Spring Capstone
2 min readApr 2, 2020

After reviewing the survey results and doing a small group’s critique, I decided to mix and match different parts of my five concepts for Step 2 to reach the final layout. These were my main takeaways from what people were liking and disliking:

  • The idea of the tab system seemed most intuitive but didn’t work when you get into the type comparisons
  • People really like the layout of the type information on Type 5, but not the fact that they had to scroll through different pages to see their other Top Three Types. They wanted all the types accessible on a single page
  • The overview information did not need to be shown at all times
  • The idea of clicking on multiple types for the comparison information was really hard for users to pick up on

The final layout displays the Type information the same way as Option 5 but uses a vertical tabbing system that keeps all the types accessible on a single page. Instead of clicking on multiple types to compare them, there is a separate section within the Type information for each comparison.

Besides finalizing the Step 2 layout, I have also been working on recreating The Systems section this week. After the final review, I decided that I want The Systems information to be displayed on a scrollable one-page where people can pick and choose to read and learn as much as they want. The Learn information is the first thing you’ll see when you enter the site and will contain links that lead to The Test and The Types.

Final Step 1 Layout
Final Learn Homepage

