
Published in
1 min readDec 26, 2019

This is a project born from a new years resolution.

It’s me deciding to spend a year learning about entrepreneurship, in all the various forms and ways, while documenting the process!

This is how it went: I said — time to make new year resolutions!

- fit
- healthy
- the usual

but one new thing pushed itself into my sight, and that was:

- be more entrepreneurial.

How? Sometimes you see kids helping their parents work, and they have all the mannerisms and words, and they manage and do, but it still is in itself play. I realized that for one whole year, I could do just that — play, explore, do all the things that entrepreneurs do, try myself at the various endeavours and ventures that make entrepreneurs entrepreneurs all the while documenting the process. Why document? Because 2 things:
1. to share what I learned,
2. to show what I learned.

There are many things I want to learn, and many things I want to try, and what’s best but a pet project where everything goes!

Check it out here #2020enterpreneur

