2020Enterpreneur — the origin story

Published in
3 min readDec 26, 2019

2020 is about to come. Resolutions, revisits, resolutions!
Oh yes resolutions! New Year resolutions, birthday resolutions, solstice resolutions, new life era resolutions… Coming up with “I’ll do this or that, work on this and that”, and making lists and calendars and schedules of many sorts and types and sizes (and then actually also doing the stuff sometimes).

Anyways 2020 is about to come.
Following #fit2018 and #hidracija2019 here comes #2020enterpreneur.

So after a project revisit sesh last night (Dec 1, ahem), I lay in bed pondering about my wish to become more entrepreneurial in 2020 and how to go about that. And then I figured: I can make it an exploration, try the million ways that entrepreneurs go about things, and document the process. Read the intro here:

There I was, in bed, thinking what’s the first thing to do: of course, a website and a logo. I’ve been wanting to hire a freelancer for a while to learn how it all works, and figured a simple logo is an awesome first job. I imagined I’d ask for a big 2020, and an even bigger enter under it lodged somewhere between the 20ties and then a preneur there too, under it all, floating. It all made flashy sense as I lied too excited to sleep.

In the morning, I went to get the domain name. 2020enterpreneur.com was free, I couldn’t believe it. I searched further, what other domains could be there??
I am not exactly sure when it hit me, but maybe it was when I saw that enterpreneur.com had some website parked on top and what a missed business opportunity. And then, the realisation:

Nobody is entering nothing in here! No 2020 preneurs! No theater-theatre.


But I loved my (yet non-existing) logo, loved the idea, loved the force it became in my head, and so I started loving the typo too. It quickly turned from oh shit, to oh that’s kinda funny. So here I am. Find me at:


*No more, decided to save a couple euros a year and not use the such much fun 2020enterpreneur.com and enterpreneur.life but simply go for projects on top of my main domain: http://kalindi.me/2020enterpreneur

And because no word is complete without a little bit of etymology:

enter among the taking, ayee

And of course, urban dictionary bringing truth to us all:

I am good to go!

Even though it’s a 2020 resolution, why wait? The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second best time is now, so here I am:

check out the controversy in these examples

I might wait with the kitchen a bit, as I need to enter my entrepreneurship thing now. 2020 can’t wait! And neither can I.

Entrepreneurs make money sometimes, will I be the money making kind?
https://www.patreon.com/kalindi or paypal.me/KalindiFonda

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