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A Game of Pool at the Nudie Bar

Day 51 of 💯: A friendly game of pool at the local nudie bar turns deadly. It turns out death was a welcome change for some.

Published in
2 min readMar 23, 2022


Nine-ball. It was to be a simple game of nine-ball. I put up two hundred bucks, and she puts up pussy. But she was a sore loser. And a fucking vampyre. The government requires mandatory vampire passports, but I ain’t letting no new world order mandate deny me the freedom of getting my dick sucked by a stripper.

As she sinks her fangs into my neck and drinks heartily of my life blood, you probably think I’m an idiot, but another night stuck in with my wife, watching America’s Shit Talent, was a fate worse than this savage death.

Inspired by Zane Dickens💯 Story Challenge. Let’s see how long I last. One more criteria I’m adding is the stories will be self-published and not in a Medium publication.

Rocky Shores may have had a few too many double espressos and double Irish Creams when he wrote…



A shot of whisky, a cup of coffee, and a loaded 44 are all you need to keep yourself alive. A writer of fiction, even if it is true.