Sites to Help you Keep Learning

Digital Determination
1 min readApr 15, 2016

I know that while you’re in school you just can’t wait for it to be over. The thrill of summer, the heat, the ability to do whatever your heart desires…the one time when laziness is somewhat accepted. But, when those few months end and you find yourself not having an environment to return to in which you are expected to learn new things and challenge them daily, well it can be a bit disheartening.

However, thanks to the internet we have many tools at our disposal to continue learning. The range of topics is endless, you don’t have to be restricted with what you can learn by having to fulfill credits or what not.

Here are a collection of sites to help you keep learning from: learning new languages to learning how to code.

Would you ever consider using these sites? Have you already? Did you find them helpful? Let us know.

