Stack — A new project

Philipp Renoth
Published in
3 min readSep 28, 2018

Keep track of your tasks. But don’t get lost in organization.

Last weekend we had a hackathon at our company consol. Some days before we were thinking about what would be a nice small project for this weekend. We had so many ideas, that I can’t even remember half of it, but in the end we were focused on a solution for a daily problem everyone may face — interruptions.

Colleague: “Hey, can you help me?”, ring-ring telephone: “… I sent you an email. Please check and call me back later”, blop email: “[Important] Are we on track with the project?” — Do you always return to the last task after being interrupted? I don’t. Maybe wasting time about trying to remember.

So we (Simon and me) decided to create a small assistance program that should help you keeping track of your tasks.

We simply call it: Stack.

Task List and Add Task window

We love JS, so we started with electron, react and bootstrap. For the time being we just use a simple UI and a simple build setup. electron apps are definitely not our daily experience, so we were glad to finally have it up and running on the first day. We also decided to focus more on UX to control the application using shortcuts running in the background and via systray.

Stack running in the Tray (very left icon)

For us one of the killer features is the screen snippet tool Simon spent a lot of time on during the weekend, because the solution is really crazy and maybe worth another blog post. The idea was, that e.g. when you read an email you may want it as a hint for later, so what can be faster than making a screen snippet of it.

Making a screen snippet of an email in GMail

That’s almost it. We built it and thanks to electron we simply could create an AppImage and snap out of it.

Let the result of the hackathon be milestone 1, it’s a work in progress project. Simon and me, we’re going to write frequent blog posts about what is happening to Stack and this is the kick-off post. Before we continue with implementation we’ll tell you more about the first steps.

You can find the source on GitHub.

