10 Examples Of Live Streaming Being Used Brilliantly In Business

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4 min readDec 13, 2016

Mobile apps like Periscope and Meerkat provide businesses with a quick and easy way to improve their customer engagement by streaming targeted live video feeds to whatever device they happen to be using at the time. We highlight ten of the best-use cases:

1. Share Live Events

Large tech companies like Cisco and Apple have been streaming their corporate conferences, product launches and interviews with executives live for years, and the broader business community was quick to follow. During the RSA Conference in San Francisco, Alicia Mae Webb from SecureNinja regularly streamed part of her presentations to a wider audience, often speaking live tocamera during a live customer Q&A session and conference tour.

2. Host Interviews

The business of politics is serious, and governments need to engage with their voters as much as anyone else. YouTube creators streamed a live video with President Barack Obama in January 2016, mixing live footage from the East Room of the White House with presentations, economic statistics and viewer questions.

3. Product/Service Demos and How-Tos

Avenue Beads in Chicago produce glass jewelry and artwork which involve high levels of craftsmanship and expertise. The company was one of the first to use live video to give users visibility of the design and manufacturing process. The Corning Museum of Glass also streams glassmaking sessions over the web, with glassmakers building products to designs drawn by members of the audience.

4. Give a Behind the Scenes Look

Media and film companies and sports teams regularly expand their fan base by giving live tours of their studios, stadiums or dressing rooms — essentially behind-the-scenes footage that viewers would not normally see. For example, England’s rugby team showed half-time dressing room footage to the crowd via stadium screens, while NBC News Los Angeles co-anchor Adrian Arambulo was one of the first to regularly give the audience a tour of the television studio before the 11pm news.

5. Conduct Training

Live-streamed training often provides the all important informal touch and ‘edgy’ style which many customers/subscribers regard as more genuine than a scripted session. Search engine optimization company Moz mixes training tips with video marketing strategies, producing a new video every week which features one of its employees offering SEO tips and guidance whilst standing in front of a whiteboard (Whiteboard Friday).

6. Host Q&A Sessions

Organizing live streaming sessions that let customers and/or company employees ask their own questions to increase engagement is a favourite approach for many large corporates. Facebook Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg is a regular, most recently hosting a session in Berlin answering questions from around the world, as well from within as the room.

7. Recipes and Cooking Tips

Chefs have the chance to show how they prepare their meals whilst taking questions from viewers while they work, a format perfected by the BBC’s Saturday Kitchen Live in recent years which can now be harnessed by every local restaurant using their mobile phones and suitable streaming apps.

8. Charity Giving

Charitable organizations and local communities often host their own charity events, providing live updates on running totals and the names of individual donors. They intersperse these with video clips of where their donations are making a difference to good causes around the world, and interviews with beneficiaries.

9. Real Estate

New York City estate agent Bohemian Realty is one of the many companies now using live streaming video to host open virtual houses — live tours of the property with the salesperson answering questions along the way — which open up sales dialogue to a much wider audience.

10. Financial Services Stock Trading

LNC’s Stock Traders Newsroom is a good example of content aimed at company shareholders and others trading in stocks and shares, mixing financial updates with a live chatroom for viewers to share their tips and experiences.

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Originally published at blog.100tb.com.



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