Why Web Hosting Reseller Is Your New Career!

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5 min readJun 16, 2017

Web hosting resellers –ever given them a thought? Probably not. But when the task of designing a new business website and grabbing great hosting provision is just one of the many boxes to tick off a list, you’ll realize people need web hosting resellers. Why can’t that be you?

However, when it comes to website hosting, server provision and the nuts and bolts of business, people just don’t get it. That’s not an insult, it’s just the truth. We get to love our cars, smart phones and all our gadgetry, but rarely do we think about how they work or what’s going on under the bonnet.

Being a web hosting reseller might not be your first career choice but it’s something that is eminently useful and can be very profitable. Who wouldn’t love an extra paycheck here and there? That’s what we thought!

You may have never considered that you would actually be completing a public service if you took on the role of web hosting reseller. ‘Who? Me?’ you are probably thinking. Well, is there anyone else reading this right now that you can see? Exactly.

How do you become a hosting reseller? 100TB spills the beans:

  1. You become an intermediary. Your role is to sit between a data center operator and a business that needs hosting. You are the friendly face that offers reassurance and the service people want , but panic when purchasing. This makes good business sense. There’s definitely a need.
  2. What you do is grab bandwidth in bulk, and you then allocate portions to anyone wanting to host third-party websites. The concept is really that simple, but you need to have capacity, scalability and reliability. This can be the tricky aspects for reselling, but don’t worry — you have expert help in 100TB you’ll get ‘In a box services’.
  3. If you are a developer or a web designer then becoming a hosting reseller can be very valuable to your clients. Everyone is looking for a one-stop service and you can become a single solution. You can create, launch and manage customer websites all in one place and they don’t have the hassle of looking for hosting themselves. You can offer an easy solution and that’s attractive. When people are busy and they see that you can offer everything — then nine times out of ten they express profound relief and go with it as a job well done.
  4. As an intermediary, you can reassure your clients that all is ship shape. If you have the experience and knowledge customers lack and can communicate simply what needs to be done when it comes to hosting, they will line up at the door to be a part of your creation — and love you for it. A hosting reseller won’t be found in any career book, but it’s a very valuable way to earn a living and provides a much-needed service.
  5. Do your market research. You can start by looking at Google Analytics and also by searching Results Pages, or SERPS, for industries with high levels of startup enterprises. Don’t forget to watch out for blogs that understand the startup and entrepreneur scene. They are valuable fronts for your increased knowledge.
  6. Have a look that the competition too. See how they market themselves. Check out what you feel is missing and then identify a niche where you might excel.
  7. When you’ve done with the steps above — this it’s time to think about finding the right hosting partner. You’ll need one with significant hardware structure. Don’t skimp on this crucial part, as remember your whole reputation will depend on it. If their hardware and operations are poor, then it goes without saying that yours will follow suit — and that’s definitely not a good look.

Finding the Perfect Hosting Provider

  • Look for a hosting company that has capacity and data centers on every continent. This shows you they are serious players and are likely to have cutting edge hardware and the ability to provide additional servers and bandwidth when you and your clients need it.
  • Don’t forget interface software. Can you access customizable white label API? Will you be able to take advantage of real-time monitoring? This is not complex research but it will pay dividends in the long term if you find out all you need to know before you start.
  • Check for SSL certificates and third party app, security and integration. Will they offer email hosting and domain registration? If they do it will make your role as hosting reseller much more streamlined. Do not forget to prepare your checklist. Consider whether you might need migration assistance or a 10Gbps network.
  • Consider payment gateways and also by buying in bulk. You should be able to grab economies of scale discounts that could end up being extremely lucrative for your hosting reseller operation.
  • Check any lock in requirements. Don’t get yourself wrapped up in long term contracts.
  • Don’t just focus on price. Consider the real benefit of buying into high quality support and expertise from a hosting partner with experience. You need a first class service upon which to base your own first client customer service package to your clients.

100TB has some more expert advice on becoming a hosting reseller. In our white paper on this topic we cover all the phases of becoming a hosting reseller including:

Phase 1 Research

Phase 2 Choosing a Hosting Partner

Phase 3 Creating a Brand

Phase 4 Undertaking your Marketing

Phase 5 Creating the Ultimate Service

So if you are looking to become a hosting reseller and need advice alongside top notch hardware, first class support and service then it’s worth downloading the hosting reseller white paper and then booking in a 30 minute free consultation with our experts to get the ball rolling.

Chop, chop, you have potential clients waiting.

Learn more at 100TB.com today.

Originally published at blog.100tb.com.



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100TB is an innovative hosting provider supplying cutting edge infrastructure, high speed bandwidth & services to our clients globally. Support: @100TBHelp