This is Tim surfing, not me. I watched from the shore this session — which took place in Ventura, CA, USA. Fun times…


Lincoln Eather
2 min readFeb 23, 2015

Odds on you’re probably thinking WTF right? Who would be grateful for painkillers..


Why? Cause they help. Trust me, soon as I can, I’m done with them. As much ‘happiness’ as they’ve brought me, I’m much more excited about life away from them then having them running thru my system…

But for now, I’m all about them. I’m running mutliple injuries, had multiple hip operations and am — for now — unable to do much outside basic theraband exercises. All of which is part of a longer story that I won’t bore anyone with here..

Painkillers tho, especially opiate based ones, are brilliant and I’m grateful for them and the people who invented them, many times over. They’ve saved my day/s many times — past, present and probably future.

It’s hard to keep doing anything when your in chronic pain, and while I know there are people in worse cases out there than mine, mine is mine and it’s all I know. And over the last while I know how much it sucks to be in pain while you’re trying to make a go of life. Trying to rise up, trying to learn, trying to enjoy. It’s all much harder when your arm goes number or you can’t walk up a fligth of stairs….

So when you take a couple of magic little pills and your mood changes, your ability to do things improve and for a short little window the pain runs back to the corner in the room. You then realise how good life is, what’s possible and how awesome shit will be once you get past it all.

And so, yeah, I’m grateful for painkillers. Grateful for them taking away the pain issues and allowing me to see that once I’m fit and healthy again what life will be like…

For now tho I’ll enjoy the haze, the inability to shit regularly and the weird things that float around in my head that inadvertently get spat out into some form of consciousness. Most of the time it’s quite hilarious…


note to readers ::
I don’t abuse the stuff, I take it with food and if I take it more then three days in a row I take a couple of days off (don’t come near me tho). I know the issues with it, as do my doctors and chemist dude — both of who are actuely aware of my situation. So please, don’t get up on that high horse…



Lincoln Eather

Enjoys: getting lost :: marketing :: surfing :: :: getting up early :: researching online/digital :: improving :: imagining ::