Who are you, and where is the original

Joshua Kaufman
Published in
1 min readNov 11, 2018

Imagine you own a cute boat, which I am jealous of. In my jealousy, I have devised a plan to steal it. One night while you are asleep, I head to the marina and start taking pieces off your boat. With every piece of the boat I take off, I replace the original with an identical new piece. The piece I take off I use to build a duplicate boat. One by one, I replace pieces on the original boat and use the original boat’s pieces to construct a duplicate boat. By the time you wake up, I have replaced every piece on the original boat and have built a new boat from the original pieces. Which boat do you consider the original? Take a moment to decide.

This is known as the Theseus paradox and it is a fun thought experiment.

So why am I bringing this up? Well, your body is not the same body you had a decade ago. Your body goes through wear and tear, and over time cells get replaced. It is likely that not a single atom that you were comprised of as a baby is still part of you today. None of your parts are from the original.

So which boat did you consider the original?

